Relief, Drainage, Climate and Vegetation
Demography, Transport and Communication
Water, Sanitation, Socio-Economic Activities and Education

The district has an estimated population of 177,426 [Projected Pop of 2000] with a Growth Rate of about 2.5%, and a Total Fertility Rate of 6.0.It has a population density of 82.2 per sq. km. The population density is uneven and higher in the southern sector of the district. Eikwe Sub District has a projected population of 20,260 settled in 17 communities.

Transport, Communication & Road Network
The district has 154.1km of trunk roads of which 62.4% is tarred. A major stretch of the tarred roads form part of the Trans-West African Highway. There are also 249km of feeder roads. 5 km out of the 16kms of road in the Eikwe Sub District is tarred.

GSM telephone
has been introduced to the area with network coverage received in most of the communities of the Sub District. Technically however, access to the internet which to date is only possible with the GSM network, is rather expensive. Generally, cell phone services are available in the Eikwe Sub District.




Playing at the beach
Getting dark